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High Shear Mixer

Microparticle Engineers is a company from the Mikrons Group, one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of broad line of chemical plant machineries for varied industries. In the Mikrons High Shear Read more

High Shear Mixer

Microparticle Engineers is a company from the Mikrons Group, one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of broad line of chemical plant machineries for varied industries. In the Mikrons High Shear Read more

High Shear Mixer

Fenix Process Technologies Pvt. Ltd. offers High Shear Mixer. High Shear Mixers of Fenix are based on the concept of mixing head for intense shear of ingredients. This mixer has a separate chamber at Read more

High Shear Mixer Rapid Mixer Granulator

Chitra Machineries Pvt Ltd Rapid Mixer Granulator is designed to achieve excellent mixing and consistent granules at lower operating cost along with higher productivity. Better mixing and closed co Read more

High Shear Mixers

The advent of rotor/stator mixers revolutionized mixing technology. Imparting vigorous radial and axial flow patterns and intense shear, ROSS High Shear Mixers accomplish a variety of processing ob Read more

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